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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Best Indian inventions that changed the world - BR Indian facts

Top Indian inventions that changed the world 
So the first of 10 discoveries and inventions I'm going to be highlighting in this is Gravity an Indian Mathematician by the name of Aryabhata first discovered the force to explain why object don't fall when the Earth rotates another Indian Mathematician Brahma gupta he described gravity as an attractive force and use the term root vikash on four gravities Aryabhata Developed a geocentric solar system of gravitation and an eccentric elliptical model of the Planet with a planet spin on their axes and follow the elliptical orbits the sun and the moon Revolving around the earth in Epic cycle next up number two is this Not the letter o by the number zero now I want them to note that the digit zero has always been linked to ancient philosophy of nothingness and is one of the many examples of intermeshing of science and math along with combining it with spirituality and Philosophy in ancient India Indians however were the first to use zero as a symbol and all so in arithmetic operation although Babylonians view Zero to signify the Absent in those early times a blank space was used to denote zero later when it created confusion a dot was used to denote zero around the time of 500 ad when Aryabhata was alive he then gave the new symbol for zero which we now know as this? Moving on to binary numbers binary numbers were first described by pingala around 200 BC Think all is a traditional name of the author of the sandesara which is the earliest known sanskrit treatise on Proceeding and prosody is a patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry now for all the people who does love math in school The decimal system as well as the quadratic system was also created by Indian it was in the 7th century ce II when bragg McGuffy found the first general formula for solving quadratic equation the decimal system or the Hindu number system which was a precursor for the arabic numeric system was developed in India between the 1st and the 6th century ce II next up we have carburized steel each and Indians that matches the production of high-quality steel more than 2,000 years before the process finally became simplified in Britain and Europe the leGendary Indian Wood steel was a source of great wonder to other great civilizations from ancient Greece to Persia as well as from Arabia to ancient rome it was so Advanced and so much value was put on it that it was selected by King porus As a gift over what alexander the great offered him which was gold and silver now Let's talk about water on the Moon one of the independent India's most notable contributions to Modern Space exploration happen between 2008 and 2009 with Chandrayaan-1 the Indian space research organizations first dedicated Lunar Mission, the ISr Rose Polar Satellite launch vehicle carried both Isro and Nasa Instruments of which the Indian Moon impact probe first detected the presence of water on the moon now there's always jokes about this next invention flushed toilets because people tease India all the time because of the Accessibility issues that they have with toilet harbor flush toilets were first in the indus valley civilisation these existed in most homes and were connected to a Sophisticated sewage system the civilization was very prominent in hydraulic engineering now a lot of what we see Printed in this world is due to the invention of ink many ancient cultures and civilizations independently discovered and prepared ink for writing purposes now the source of the carbon pigment used an ancient Indian ink called Musi was Indian way back since the fourth Century BC The practice of writing with ink with a sharp pointed needle was common in South India now. All you ladies I'm telling you probably would die without this next invention Shampoo, it's got to make that hair shiny and clean the word shampoo devised from Shampoo He was initially used as a head massage oil for the Nawab of Bengal during the mughal Empire around 1760 to it then involved into Shampoo over the years now in every bathroom in every home around the world we see Shampoo now let's talk about these little things not the mic But the button of those you can see it right here buttons were first used in Mohenjo-daro for ornamental purposes Rather than for fastening pieces of clothing together you know back when they were first used as I mentioned in Mohenjo-Daro It was an indus Valley civilisation around 2000 BC So those were just 10 of the amazing Indian discoveries and inventions that have Impacted our world today. Definitely by no means are those the only ones you guys really enjoyed this video Let me know down below give it a thumbs up as well, and if you want a part - leave it down below India has long since been a major contributor with these discoveries and inventions that we took a look at that again Helps shape the global society as we know today to the nation of India we can all share in sharing these two words Thank you 

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