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Friday, July 24, 2020

Top 10 facts about Indian -indian facts

Top10 facts of india 
10. Indian CuisineThere is a great divide in India, a separation between the north and south that we’re imploringall to take a side on – the cuisine! In the north, you have a higher use of dairyproducts like milk, paneer, ghee, and yogurt. South India locals enjoy a cuisine of ricefor dosas, vadas, and uttapams, coupled with fresh coconut water. Back in North India, roti and paratha flatbreads are cooked on a tawa while puri and bhatoora get the deep fried treatment. Taking a whirlwind tour of India’s northernand southern regions, you’ll chow down on samosa, mirchi bada, chaat, kachori, idli,upma, onion uthappam, and fish coconut curry. 
9. India InventionsIt wouldn’t be a journey through a country’s culture if we didn’t stop to look at someof the great advancements we would be lacking without it. Zero as a number has been around as far backas Ancient Egypt, but the notion of it as a digit in decimal place value allegedly cameabout in India during the 5th century. Having a hard time in your high school mathclass? You can also thank India for the modern developmentof sine, cosine, and advancements in trigonometry, negative numbers, and algebra. Historians believe that India is also responsiblefor the development of chess, snakes and ladders, the Sanskrit language, fiber optics, advancementsin reconstructive surgery and Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, who is best known for pavingthe way for radio communication. 
8. Famous IndiansHe was the peace-seeking leader of the movement for independence in British-ruled India andlikely one of the most famous Indian’s throughout history – but there are a lot of notablecitizens of India, so we don’t want to get too caught up in Mahatma Gandhi’s historyjust yet. When exploring famous people of India, you’llbe setting your sights on spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy; actresses Priyanka Chopra andKareena Kapoor; actors Amitabh Bachchan and Salman Khan; philosopher and statesman, Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan; classical poet Kalidasa and 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, MuhammadYunus, who is best known for assisting women in escaping poverty. In the world of sports, tennis player SaniaMirza, cricketers Mahendra Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar, and 3 Olympic gold medals winnerDhyan Chand can boast Indian roots. Representing India on YouTube are T-Series,ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes, ZeeTV and Eros Now. 
7. Wildlife of IndiaA vast diversity of exotic and beautiful wildlife awaits those with a desire to explore. Asian elephants, Bengal tigers, sloth bears,Indian rhinoceros, Asian water buffalo, Indian wolf, golden jackal and the Indian antelopeare just a small sampling of the roaming beasts inhabiting India’s environment. The Indian region of western Assam is hometo what is considered one of the rarest and most sacred monkeys in the world, the goldenlangur. This wild-haired primate is currently endangered,with only 1,064 individuals being recorded in 2001. In an effort to protect its precious wildlife,India’s government created 18 biosphere reserves, ten of which are recognized by theWorld Network of Biosphere Reserves. 

6. India’s Tourist AttractionsThinking of India, there’s probably one location that comes to mind as a definite“must-see” spot: the Taj Mahal. Visiting the mausoleum is absolutely recommended,but it’s not the only site this historic country has to offer. The caves and temples of Maharashtra, GolcondaFort in Andhra Pradesh, the Museum of Man in Bhubaneshwar, Uttar Pradesh’s Pagal BabaTemple, Man Singh Palace – there is so much to see in India, but these locations are adecent start. Gir National Park, Dhuandhar Falls, the BhimbetkaRock Shelters, Lady Hydari Park, Laitlum Canyons, and an array of beaches and lakes are morethan ideal for nature lovers. The vast, diverse lands of India truly leavesomething for all to experience. 
5. BollywoodFilm enthusiasts may know a thing or two about Bollywood, or Hindi cinema, but newcomersare in for a treat. India’s own Hollywood has roots in the silentera of film, with its first silent feature being Raja Harishchandra by Dadasaheb Phalke. Early Bollywood films were meant as a meansto escape, especially during World War II and the Partition, and often include whimsicalelements, like large-scale musical numbers rooted in classic Indian folk dances. The songs often determine if a movie is goingto succeed, and the better the musical soundtrack, the better the movie often performs. Since the early 2000s, Bollywood has seenan increased popularity across the globe.
 4. Cricket and IndiaSports are often a country’s pride and joy: Americans have baseball, Canadians have hockey,Brazilians have football and Indians have cricket. If not for the British rule of India, otherwiseknown as the British Raj, the game of cricket may never have been introduced to the natives. Via the East India Company, cricket was integratedinto 17th-century Indian culture, eventually blossoming into a popular sport headlinedby the Indian national cricket team, or the Men in Blue. Competition in cricket within India comesin the form of several domestic events, including the Ranji Trophy, Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophyand the BCCI Corporate Trophy. Of the national cricket team’s crowningachievements, there’s the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups and the 2007 and 2013 ICCWorld Twenty20’s. 
3. World Records From India“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” Or… at least that’s what World RecordsIndia tells us. This more localized version of the GuinnessWorld Records lives by the mantra that rewarding people is the best way to get people to excel,and so it dishes out awards for things that would likely otherwise go unnoticed. Things like the most baby booties designedby knitting material, the largest number of handmade greeting cards, the youngest individualto recite the countries in the lowest amount of time, the first blood donation camp ata marriage ceremony, and most consecutive years with 100% school attendance. They may not stand out like Guinness’ incrediblerecords, but India feels they’re worth some praise. 
2. India Space Research OrganizationIn 1969, the ISRO came into the picture, replacing the then-standing "Indian National Committeefor Space Research," 5 years after the launch of the very first sounding rocket. The shorter and catchy name brought with itadvancements to the program, which allowed India to be a formidable competitor in theongoing “space race”. On September 24th, 2014, India became thefirst country to succeed in entering Mars’ orbit on the first attempt and also the firstAsian space agency to ever reach the red planet’s orbit. Chandrayaan-1, a lunar mission sent in Octoberof 2008, made the ISRO the first to have detected water on the moon. The 2000s has seen increased activity andlaunches, with over 25 different launches taking place between 2010 and 2016 alone. 
1. Indian Independence Movement and GandhiIndia’s movement for independence dates as far back as the 18th century, during theEast India Company’s rule of the country, and is littered with tales of death, desperation,rebellions and a world war that stalled the movement briefly in favor of the bigger picture. In 1915, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi left SouthAfrica, where he had acted as a civil rights activist, and returned to India to lead thenationalist movement for independence. Implementing peaceful rebellions and the non-cooperationmovement, Gandhi was a thorn in the British side. On August 15th, 1947, 5-months before Gandhi’sassassination, India was declared a sovereign and democratic nation, though a decision madein 1949 kept the country within the British common wealth. 

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