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Saturday, July 25, 2020

15 Strange Things That Happen Only In India India -Indian facts

 15 Strange Things That Happen Only In India India is one of the most interesting countriesin the world without a doubt. Even if you don’t know much about this Asiancountry, you have probably heard about how diverse it is and that is enough to sparksome interest! Names like Swami Vivekananda, Aryabhatta andCV Raman can be associated with India, so now you probably have an idea about the country. So shall we point out 15 things that happenonly in this strange and diverse country? Number 1. World’s largest family
Alright people, here’s a task for you- Google a man named Ziona Chana. He is the head of the world’s largest familywho is ‘blessed’ to have 39 wives! Yea, you heard that right, he really has 39wives! Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-lawand 33 grandchildren. They live in a 100-room, four storey houseset amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wivessleep in giant communal dormitories. 181 members in a family- can you beat that? Oh but Ziona isn’t done yet, he is lookingfor more wives to expand his family to new limits! 
Number 2. Cops get paid to grow moustaches
Now this one is pretty bizarre! Officials in Madhya Pradesh believe that menwith mustaches are seen as more respectful and hence cops in this Indian state are givena slight pay upgrade for having a moustache. Though it may be only 30Rs, it adds up overtime, right? Maybe we should check the demand for hairsupplements in the state! Number
 3. Cows have ID cards
While the rest of the world is used to the idea of carrying their ID cards for a lotmany reasons, we wonder how many countries have thought about providing their animalswith such a card! Cows in West Bengal have their photo IDs tomake sure they are not smuggled to Bangladesh that touches border with this Indian state. That’s a smart thought but it doesn’tstop here! Indian Prime Minister has initiated a planto assign unique 12-digit identification numbers to 88 million cattle in India to ensure theyare vaccinated on time and their breeding cycles can be monitored and improved. India is teaching us how our identity is rootedin our cattle’s! 
Number 4. Highest rate of vegetarianism
India has one of the lowest rates of meat consumption in the world. With 38% Indians being vegetarians, the countryhas the highest rate of vegetarianism. We can relate this to the religious mindednessof the people in India because some religions emphasize on respect and non-violence to allforms of life. Seems like it is time PETA moves its basefrom Virginia! 
Number 5. Spice bowl 
If you have ever tasted Indian food then the first thing you noticed was the amount andvariety of spices they use, right? Now when we tell you that India is the world’slargest producer of spices, you’d probably take this news without a pinch of salt. Alright bad joke but come on, you’d agreethat Indian spices are to die for! Out of 109 spices listed by ISO, India producesaround 75 spices and accounts for about half the global spice trade. Aren’t you craving a spicy Indian snacknow? Number 6. Second largest English speaking country125 million people in India speak English and that brings them on the 2nd spot of largestEnglish speaking countries! And you thought this list would see US, Australia,Canada and UK on the top spots! Though US does make it to the first spot,India follows it bypassing the other countries. But this isn’t the big news here. The real thing is that this huge number ofEnglish speakers in the country make for only 10% of their population, like seriously! 
Number 7. Low divorce rate
About 50% marriages in the US end in a divorce, you already know that so what is new? Nothing new about US, that was just a pointof reference here- it’ll help you understand the contrast when we say that only 13 marriagesout of 1000 in India ever end with the D word! This proves that India has one of the lowestdivorce rates in the world. What’s the secret to their marital stability? Well, marriage in India is not just an officialagreement but is seen as a holy union and is thus not insulted in court! Number 8. World’s major religionsMany people mistake India for a Hindu nation, but it can’t be farther from truth! Though 80% Indians follow Hinduism, you wouldfind people from various religions residing together with affection and respect. The rest 20% comprise of people practicingIslam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity and various others! Where else do you find such diversity in religionand cultures? 
Number 9. Golden ladies
Would you believe us if we told you that Indian housewives own 11% of world’s gold? That might sound bizarre but people, everybit of it is true! 11% guys, that’s more than the combinedstocks of the USA, Switzerland, Germany, and the International Monetary Fund. And you know what? Indian women consider gold as perceived wealthand won’t sell it off until a huge monetary crisis hits. The country is home to the Golden temple inthe city of Amritsar which is coated with layers of gold! We just figured our next vacation destination! Number 10. Doors without locks
In the Indian town of Shani Shignapur, you will know how religious people are and howmuch they trust God to punish the culprits themselves. The houses and shops in the town have no doorsor locks on them because people have faith in God and believe that even if a robberyoccurs, God Shani himself will punish him by turning him blind. Religiousness taken to the next level! Number 11. Love Commandos
What image comes to your mind when you hear the words Love Commandos? Yes, people who are protecting love and lovers! Now why does India need such people? Well, many of the Indian families are againstthe idea of love marriages and especially the inter-caste ones. So such couples run away from their familiesbut end up getting killed by them. We really said that! Now do you understand why Indians need thisnon-profit force- yes, to save the youth in love!
  Number 12. Most expensive house
Ever heard about Mukesh Ambani? He is the chairman of Reliance Industriesbut that’s not why we brought him up. He is the owner of Antilia- a private homein South Mumbai and is valued over $1 million! The 27 storey building is deemed to be theworld's most expensive residential property, after Buckingham Palace, which is designatedas a crown property and is thus the world's most expensive private residential property! And you thought Indians were poor? 
Number 13. Avoiding civilization
The Sentinel Islands in the Bay of Bengal is one of the last places on the planet thatremain untouched by modern civilization. The Sentinels are hunters by profession andhate any unwanted contact from the outside world, making these islands one of the hardestplaces to visit. Anyone that has tried to visit this placehas been killed, rendering this place unchanged for hundreds of years. We are scared! 
Number 14. Wedding detectivesArranged marriages are very prevalent in the country, so much so that love marriages are even a taboo in some cultures! Since parents look for a spouse for theirchildren, they leave no stone un-turned to get the best deal and they go to the extentof hiring private detectives in the process! Yes, people shell out money to get an insightinto their prospective groom or bride’s bad habits and past relationships. Concern or creepy, what would you call it?
 Number 15. Innovative India
India is a land of innovation and pioneers. The world owes India for the introductionto the game of chess. The Indian name of this game is Chaturanga,which literally means four divisions of an army, namely elephants, cavalry, chariotsand infantry. Indian inventors are also responsible forother great inventions like cataract surgery, wireless communication, fiber optics metallurgy,cotton cultivation and everyday items such as buttons rulers, weight scales & the flush. That's one long list! What are your experiences and stories aboutthis Asian country? Tell us in the comment section below. 

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