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Sunday, July 26, 2020

10 huge treasures in India - Indian facts

 Most of us will have a fantasy since childhood. That is... To find a treasure doing some adventure by holding a map, travelling on horses. Right? You too thought the same way, right? In the History, we came to know that so many treasures were found. But still, there are so many treasures which have the definite documentation about their presence... It means if we try and if we are lucky...There are some treasures which we can find. So today let us know about 10 huge hidden treasures of such kind which have yet to be found. 
10Cocos Island Treasure The king of Lima kingdom thought that it is not at all safe to keep the treasure of gold and silver in his kingdom anymore. Why because at that time, they came to know about the attack by a rebel group called San Martin on their kingdom. Without any delay...entrusting their treasures to William Thompson, the king asked for its shipment to Mexico immediately. The value of this treasure is said to be Rs 1600 crores. But Thompson was not an ordinary man... With the help of his followers, he killed the soldiers of Lima and shipped that treasure to Cocos Island. It means Thompson betrayed... He buried this treasure under the earth in the Cocos Island. While returning, poor man was caught by the king. The king killed everyone who helped him. He escaped doing some magic...But nobody knows what happened to him later. That treasure has not yet found. Nobody knows where it is and who would get it. 
No. 9Beale ciphers In 1816, Thomas Beale along with his men found a huge treasure while mining. It worth Rs 500 crores. He thought that treasure must belong to his family or next of kin. That is why he wrote three ciphertexts using code language. In that the first one...The location of that treasure. The second one describes the content of treasure. And the third one lists the names of the heirs of the treasure. He placed those three papers in a small box and gave them to a trusted friend named Robert Morriss. He said I will be back in 10 years... And also said...If I do not come, then open this box. But he failed to return. Then Robert Morriss opened this box and began trying to decode those three papers. He tried for 20 years and successfully decoded the second paper. It means the content of the treasure and its value. But failed to decode the remaining two papers. I too downloaded these papers and tried to decode them. But I felt that making the videos is very easy than this. So what an intelligent guy, Vikram Aditya did is... Kept them aside. 
No. 8Osman Ali Treasure Do you know who is Osman Ali? The last Nizam who ruled our Hyderabad. IN 1937, Times Magazine labelled him as the richest man in the world. In fact, the father of Osman Ali was a great poet. He spent all the wealth. But due to his talent and intelligence, Osman Ali became the richest man in the world. His wealth alone valued Rs 14,00,000 crores. That wealth is said to be stored in the underground chambers of King Kothi Palace. Till now nobody tried to search for that. Imagine how it would be if the treasure of worth Rs 14,00,000 crores is found. 
No. 7Forrest Fenn Treasure In 1980, the doctors said that the multimillionaire Forrest Fenn was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Then he got an idea when he worried that I would die very soon. His all his gold, diamonds, Articrafts, along with his autobiography in a treasure chest... And hid it in the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico which worth more than million dollars. He then released a poem containing nine clues as to the treasure's whereabouts on his website. He started giving more and more clues when his death is nearing. Till now many tried but none of them found that treasure. 
No. 6Leon Trabuco Gold A Mexican multimillionaire named Leon Trabuco believed that... The price of gold would skyrocket during the Great Depression of the America... Along with his two friends, buying 16 tonnes of gold reserves, he buried somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico. As per his estimation, within six months the value of gold shot through the roof. But he still waited for prices to soar higher and kept it hidden without selling. But how his fate turned against him is... In 1934, the US Gold Reserve Act was enacted. It means nobody should have the gold beyond the limit. Within 5 years, they died. Those tonnes of gold has been left somewhere in those Mexican deserts. 
No. 5Key Of Cost West Treasure In 1622, thought to transport the gold and diamonds of worth Rs 50,000 crores from Havana to Spain. But what their bad luck is... Those nine ships struck by a huge tropical storm and sank. All the sailors in those ships were dead. But their bad luck turned into the good luck of Mel Fisher. He found 70 percent of this treasure and took it for himself. But the remaining 30 percent of the treasure that has not yet found is still in the ocean. Still, the hunt is going on for that. 
No. 4 is Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Treasure. Need not say so specially about Anantha Padmanabha Swamy treasure which is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The whole knows about this treasure. There are 6 chambers under that temple and they found the treasure worth 1 lakh 40 crore rupees in chamber-A alone. It seems there is a huge treasure in chamber B which is many times greater than this. But, Supreme Court did not give any ordersto open that chamber. Our ancestors closed the door of chamber Bsecurely by using Naga Bandham. Many say opening that door leads to Tsunami and the entire world may end up. I already did a video on the treasure mystery of this Anantha Padbhanabha Swamy with completedetails. You just watch that video. 
No.3 is Nadir Shah Treasure. An emperor named Nadir Shah from Persia eventually attacked Delhi with his army of 50,000 men. He captured the immense treasure by killing nearly 30,000 innocent people. On the way back to Persia along with that treasure... Ahmad shah had killed Nadir shahand stolen that treasure. This is like... Stealing something from the thief. He concealed the stolen treasurein the Hindu Kush Mountains. Later, Ahmad Shah died due to illness. Even before his death, Akbar Shah did not say anyone where the treasure is. Still, that treasure is in the Hindu Kush Mountains. 
No. 2 is San Miguel Treasure. In 1712, thought to transport the gold and silver of worth Rs 14,000 crores from New World to Spain. As the pirates would be there on that wayand they will not be there during the hurricane... So they thought to start travelling exactly before the occurrence of the hurricane. This smart thinking affected their treasure. Within seven days since they started moving, a terrible storm destroyed all this 11 ships. Nearly 1000 members have died. But later, seven of those ships were found. Only a small amount of the treasure has been recovered. But, the remaining 8 ships has to be found. Let us see who will get the other ships. 
No. 1 is Lake Guatavita Treasure. Tribes of Muisca religion used to live atLake Guatavita is located in Colombia. They used to throw kilos of gold into that lake for hundreds of years to please their lord. Likewise, tonnes of gold was gathered inside that lake. Someone would have definitely thought to own that gold, right? The first attempt was done in the 16th century. They were able to drain out the water from that lake only by three meters. By doing that, they were able to take out the gold of worth 70 lakhs. 35 years later, a man named Antonio engaged many  workers, drained out the water... He took out the gold of worth 3 crores approximately. Unfortunately, that drainage system was collapsed and many of those workers lost their lives. A very intelligent man has come in 1898. He drained out all the water from that lake by using the modern techniques. But before finding gold, the mud in the lake became so hard. That gold was locked there itself in that mud. Not only these 10 what I said till now but still, there are much more similar hidden treasures in this world. If I find a 100 crores treasure now...Do you know what would I do? I will donate 25 crores to charity... I will use all the remaining 75 crores for my enjoyment till my last breath... Without buying any property and will not leave even a single rupee. We have only one life, boss. We should enjoy whenever we get the chance. But we should not hurt anyone. That is As I said there are treasures, you might get a thought of going to the forests in search for them. But do not do so. I used to feel that we no need to go anywhere in search of treasures. The great boon granted by God to us is...The words and intelligence. Synchronise both of them in a correct way, if we are able to do the good thing towards the right thought... Then we don't need to search for any treasure. The wealth would come in search of us which is equal to the treasure. Try it, you would definitely get succeed. 

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